From March 29th to April 03rd 2015 we go on a concert tour to our twin town Darlington/GB. There we deliver insight to our repertoire and perform the musical reading „The Magic Mandolin“. Concerts will be given in Darlington and Sunderland (twin town to Essen).
The Mülheimer Zupforchester tour is supported by the German Foreign Office and the Goethe Institut.
Find more information about our concerts via the following links:
Darlington, Carmel College, March 30th, 7.30 pm
Sunderland, April 1st, 7.15 pm
Darlington, Dolphin Centre, April 2nd, 7.30 pm
Read the articles about our concerts in Darlington and Sunderland:
The Northern Echo, April 2nd 2015
Read the reports about our visit to Darlington:
Tom Nutt (Darlington Town Twinning)
Sunderland City Council – Mayor’s blog May 2015